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About the show

I believe that deepening your understanding of your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan. I call this “physiological intuition,” and to me, it’s a human right.

My dedication to this field derives from a very personal place, as it was through my own health improvement journey and love for the sciences that I stumbled upon the enhanced state of consciousness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Now, with ongoing years of study and time-in-the-trenches, a world-class team, all the latest tools and technologies, a bottomless well of passion, and access to some of the world’s leading experts in human performance and longevity, I’m fully dedicated to your very own scientific self-discovery. The more you #KnowYourPhysio… Enjoy the show.

Dr. Jennifer Haley: Skin Health Starts from Within | How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Jennifer Haley: Skin Health Starts from Within | How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally

Taking good care of your skin is essential in terms of appearance, but also for your health in general. If you take good care of your skin, your skin will take care of you, but what does it entail? To help us unpack the fundamentals of skin care is Dr. Jennifer Haley, a board-certified dermatologist […]

Lucas Aoun: Cracking the TESTOSTERONE CODE | Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Testosterone Levels

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Lucas Aoun: Cracking the TESTOSTERONE CODE | Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Testosterone Levels

When you hear the word ‘testosterone’, the first thing that comes to mind is probably male libido. But this largely misunderstood hormone also promotes increased healing, motivation, memory, and even bone mineral density in both men and women! Here to educate us and dispel some common misconceptions about testosterone is Lucas Aoun, a naturopath, entrepreneur, […]

Dr. Nathan Bryan: NITRIC OXIDE: Upgrade your Health, Performance, Sex, and Longevity | The Power of Nitric Oxide and How to Optimize It

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Nathan Bryan: NITRIC OXIDE: Upgrade your Health, Performance, Sex, and Longevity | The Power of Nitric Oxide and How to Optimize It

Is Nitric Oxide the Penicillin of the 21st Century? Joining us today to discuss his groundbreaking research is internationally renowned Nitric Oxide expert, Dr. Nathan Bryan. With a Ph.D. and over 20 years of experience in the field, he is currently on the advisory board for major players in the biotech industry and is one […]

Toby Pasman, MS, BCN, QEEG-D: Brain Mapping, Neurofeedback, and Health Optimization | How to Improve Brain Function and Overall Health

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Toby Pasman, MS, BCN, QEEG-D: Brain Mapping, Neurofeedback, and Health Optimization | How to Improve Brain Function and Overall Health

Today’s episode is all about improving the health of your brain! Exercise, sleep, nutrition, and meditation are all tools we can use to optimize our health, and brain hacking is the next frontier. Today’s guest, Toby Pasman, through his company NuroFlex, is at the forefront of this fascinating field, and he is just about as […]

Dr. Moises Roizental: All About Weight Management and Obesity Medication: GLP 1 Agonists

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Moises Roizental: All About Weight Management and Obesity Medication: GLP 1 Agonists

The ever-increasing issue of obesity and its related health complications brings with it the need for effective treatment. We are joined today by a board-certified vascular and interventional radiologist, Dr. Moises Roizental, to talk all things weight loss and obesity medication (specifically GLP-1 agonists). Dr. Roi explains the challenge of overcoming obesity and the role […]

Q&A Episode ft. Alex Shinkarovsky

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Q&A Episode ft. Alex Shinkarovsky

For this episode, we have Andrés in the hot seat answering questions from the KYP community. He’s joined by health coach Alex Shinkarovsky to delve into a range of topics, from personal to silly to scientific. We hear Andrés’ take on everything from sleeping on the floor and the best way to train, to mentorship, […]

R Blank: EMF and Making Technology Safer | How to Protect Yourself from EMF Exposure and Make Technology Safer

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
R Blank: EMF and Making Technology Safer | How to Protect Yourself from EMF Exposure and Make Technology Safer

The rise of technology in recent decades has ushered in a new way of life, one heavily reliant on devices to meet our needs, such as phones and laptops. There has been growing interest from both the scientific and public domains about the risk of exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from the technology people use. […]

Chloe Macintosh: Sexual Health & How to Have the Best Sex of Your Life | Tips for Enhancing Sexual Health and Performance

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Chloe Macintosh: Sexual Health & How to Have the Best Sex of Your Life | Tips for Enhancing Sexual Health and Performance

Who doesn’t want to have better, healthier, more intimate sex? Today’s guest on the Know Your Physio Podcast is Chloe Macintosh, Founder and CEO of Kama; a sexual wellness practice focused on the science-based idea that pleasure is, in fact, health. Chloe’s research has focused on intimacy and sexuality for the past 10 years, and […]

Jeroen Molinger, PhD: Treating Patients Like Athletes, VO2 vs Longevity, and Ketosis | The Intersection of Athletic Performance and Longevity

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Jeroen Molinger, PhD: Treating Patients Like Athletes, VO2 vs Longevity, and Ketosis | The Intersection of Athletic Performance and Longevity

The emergent field of biohacking has seen massive steps forward in the last few years, and yet there are still plenty of areas ripe for improvement and progress. Joining us on the show today is exercise physiologist, and the creator of Splendo, Jeroen Molinger, to talk about the idea of treating patients like athletes and […]

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