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About the show

I believe that deepening your understanding of your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan. I call this “physiological intuition,” and to me, it’s a human right.

My dedication to this field derives from a very personal place, as it was through my own health improvement journey and love for the sciences that I stumbled upon the enhanced state of consciousness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Now, with ongoing years of study and time-in-the-trenches, a world-class team, all the latest tools and technologies, a bottomless well of passion, and access to some of the world’s leading experts in human performance and longevity, I’m fully dedicated to your very own scientific self-discovery. The more you #KnowYourPhysio… Enjoy the show.

Dr. Michael Roizen: What is your Real Age? | How to Determine Your True Age and Optimize Your Health

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Michael Roizen: What is your Real Age? | How to Determine Your True Age and Optimize Your Health

Dr. Michael Roizen believes that 90 is the new 40. He is passionate about helping people understand just how much control they truly have over the length and quality of their lives, and he is here today to share his insights. Tune in to learn how genes behave differently in younger and older people, what […]

The Rolling Sloan: We Moved to Uruguay! | Our Experience Moving to Uruguay and How It Changed Our Lives

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
The Rolling Sloan: We Moved to Uruguay! | Our Experience Moving to Uruguay and How It Changed Our Lives

We have exciting news: Parker and Andrés have made a big move to Uruguay! This episode serves as a way to reflect on this moment of transition, fill you in on what inspired this decision, and share their first impressions of their new life in South America! For Andrés, who grew up in South America, […]

Angelo Keely: Essential Amino Acids: Everything you Need to Know | The Importance of Amino Acids and How to Optimize Your Intake

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Angelo Keely: Essential Amino Acids: Everything you Need to Know | The Importance of Amino Acids and How to Optimize Your Intake

You’ve probably already seen the words ‘essential amino acids’ on the label of your favorite sports nutrition drink or protein supplement powder, but they actually play a much larger role in your body than simply boosting your athletic performance. So, what are amino acids and why do you need them? To help us take a […]

Catharine Arnston: How to Power and Protect your Mitochondria | The Benefits of Mitochondrial Health and How to Improve It

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Catharine Arnston: How to Power and Protect your Mitochondria | The Benefits of Mitochondrial Health and How to Improve It

Algae was the first life on earth, and it might just be the ultimate superfood. The Ancient Egyptians and the Aztecs knew this thousands of years ago, but only in recent times has that knowledge begun to permeate into Western society. Tune in today as Catharine Arnston, founder and Chief Scientific Officer at ENERGYbits, explains […]

Kevin Bass, MD/PhDc: Cardiovascular Disease, Statins, Metformin, and Rapamycin | The Latest Research on Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Kevin Bass, MD/PhDc: Cardiovascular Disease, Statins, Metformin, and Rapamycin | The Latest Research on Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention

Despite what we want to believe, cardiovascular disease does not only start once we are in our 50s and 60s. As we welcome Kevin Bass back to the Know Your Physio podcast, we hear his opinions on cholesterol, the medications to take, and opinions on collected long-term genetic studies. We don’t hold back on having […]

Ariel Nurieli: Personal Leadership | How to Develop Strong Leadership Skills and Achieve Success

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Ariel Nurieli: Personal Leadership | How to Develop Strong Leadership Skills and Achieve Success

Of the many components of successful leadership, dealing with responsibilities in effective ways has to be one of the most important. Ariel Nurieli is on the show today to talk about the lessons he learned about being the best possible leader during his time in the military, and how this impacts his life and work […]

Alexis Bogomolni: Burnout, Life Cycles, and Microdosing | How to Prevent Burnout and Optimize Your Life Cycle with Microdosing

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Alexis Bogomolni: Burnout, Life Cycles, and Microdosing | How to Prevent Burnout and Optimize Your Life Cycle with Microdosing

Welcome back to another episode of Know Your Physio. Joining us today is 23-year-old founder and CEO, Alexis Bogomolni. Alexis received his bachelor of science in business finance and management at the New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He started the ABH Developer Group and has already achieved incredible success at such […]

Dr. Nayib Salomon: El Aprendizaje y la Longevidad | Descubra cómo maximizar su potencial de aprendizaje y vida larga

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Nayib Salomon: El Aprendizaje y la Longevidad | Descubra cómo maximizar su potencial de aprendizaje y vida larga

El doctor Nayib Salomon, es un médico oftalmólogo especializado en cirugía plástica ocular y cirugía de cataratas, quien ha dedicado su vida a la docencia y práctica Oftalmológica en Caracas Venezuela por mas de 50 años.  Fue co-fundador de uno de los centros oftalmológicos mas prestigiosos de Latinoamerica: La Unidad Oftalmológica de Caracas, así como […]

Dr. Ricardo Komotar: Live like a Neurosurgeon | A Day in the Life of a Neurosurgeon and How to Optimize Your Brain Health

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Ricardo Komotar: Live like a Neurosurgeon | A Day in the Life of a Neurosurgeon and How to Optimize Your Brain Health

Today, you’ll hear from Dr. Ricardo Komotar, a Professor of Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine and an internationally recognized leader in the field of brain tumors. He performs nearly 800 procedures for these conditions each year using advanced, cutting-edge surgical and radio-surgical techniques; making him one of the highest volume […]

Andrés Preschel: Physiology for Dummies | A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Human Physiology and Health with Dr. Ricardo Komotar

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Andrés Preschel: Physiology for Dummies | A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Human Physiology and Health with Dr. Ricardo Komotar

In today’s special episode you’ll hear our very own Andrés Preschel stepping behind the microphone to be interviewed by Dr. Rick Komotar for his podcast, The Crossover. Dr. Komotar is a Neurosurgeon at Columbia University Medical Center and is the Director of the Brain Tumor Initiative as well as the Brain Tumor Fellowship Program. Tuning […]

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