Dr. Amy B. Killen: Unleashing the Power of Stem Cells for Human Regeneration

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Dr. Amy B. Killen: Unleashing the Power of Stem Cells for Human Regeneration

Today’s episode is one for the books as we are joined by the co-author of one of the most innovative regenerative procedures ever! Dr. Amy B. Killen is a former emergency physician and the Founder of Human Optimization Project, an initiative aimed at bringing lesser-known medical treatments to the masses through education and patient empowerment. Dr. Amy explains why she left emergency medicine behind and how her passions and goals shifted during her transition to preventative medicine. We then begin to unravel her ground-breaking stem cell makeovers and how they lead to a better quality of life, how accessible these treatments are to the general public, what stem cells are and how they work, and how healthy lifestyle choices work hand-in-hand with stem cell therapy. We discuss why stem cells in the penis are different, why Oxytocin is pure magic, and what you can do to improve your sex life. Finally, our guest opens up about her Human Optimization Project (HOP) and why it uses blockchain on its medical platform, how the HOP Box serves its recipients, why BEAMSSSS is her go-to philosophy, how Web3 is taking root in her field, and her final words of hope to a pandemic-stricken society.

Key Points From This Episode: 

  • Today’s guest is the Founder of Human Optimization Project, Dr. Amy B. Killen. [00:09]
  • Why Dr. Amy chose her current line of work, and how she got into it. [05:00]
  • Our guest explains stem cell makeovers and how they lead to a better quality of life. [10:40]
  • The demographics of stem cell therapy patients, and how accessible the treatment is. [11:57]
  • What stem cells are, how they work, and why they’re helpful. [14:15]
  • The breakthroughs she’s seen by being in proactive and preventative medicine. [19:28]
  • How stem cells in the penis differ from other areas of the body. [21:16]
  • Exploring the wonders of Oxytocin. [22:29]
  • The Human Optimization Project (HOP), and what Dr. Amy hopes to accomplish. [26:03]
  • Why HOP uses blockchain for its medical platform. [28:45]
  • BEAMSSSS: Belong, eat, avoid, move, sleep, stress, sun, sex. [39:00]
  • The goal of improving quality of life rather than looking to extend it. [42:59]
  • Dr. Amy’s message of inspiration to a pandemic-shook generation. [45:20]
  • How she sees the role of Web3 evolving in her field. [47:04]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Amy B. Killen

Dr. Amy B. Killen on LinkedIn

Dr. Amy B. Killen on Twitter

Dr. Amy B. Killen on Instagram

Dr. Amy B. Killen on Facebook

Dr. Amy B. Killen on YouTube

Human Optimization Project

Dr. Harry Adelson on LinkedIn

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