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About the show

I believe that deepening your understanding of your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan. I call this “physiological intuition,” and to me, it’s a human right.

My dedication to this field derives from a very personal place, as it was through my own health improvement journey and love for the sciences that I stumbled upon the enhanced state of consciousness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Now, with ongoing years of study and time-in-the-trenches, a world-class team, all the latest tools and technologies, a bottomless well of passion, and access to some of the world’s leading experts in human performance and longevity, I’m fully dedicated to your very own scientific self-discovery. The more you #KnowYourPhysio… Enjoy the show.

Kevin Bass, MD/PhDc: Scientific Influencers and Misinformation | How to Identify and Combat Misinformation in Science

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Kevin Bass, MD/PhDc: Scientific Influencers and Misinformation | How to Identify and Combat Misinformation in Science

When it comes to nutritional science and social media it can be uniquely challenging to differentiate fact from hype. Here today, to help us unpack the topic of scientific influencers and misinformation is Kevin Bass, an MD and Ph.D. student, and founder of The Diet Wars, a site dedicated to upholding evidence-based nutritional research and […]

Wade Lightheart: Magnesium Breakthrough and Health Optimization | The Benefits of Magnesium and How to Optimize Your Health

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Wade Lightheart: Magnesium Breakthrough and Health Optimization | The Benefits of Magnesium and How to Optimize Your Health

Today’s guest, Wade Lightheart; author, athlete, nutritionist, and expert on fixing digestion. Wade is a three-time Canadian bodybuilding champion, who competed as a vegetarian. He is one of the world’s foremost authorities on natural nutrition and training methods. After competing in Mr. Universe, and his health failed him, Wade began to search for answers and […]

Leigh Erin Connealy, MD: Environmental Toxins, Updated Medicine, and Cancer | The Latest Research on Environmental Toxins, Medicine, and Cancer Prevention

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Leigh Erin Connealy, MD: Environmental Toxins, Updated Medicine, and Cancer | The Latest Research on Environmental Toxins, Medicine, and Cancer Prevention

Your health is not only of significance and importance to just you. Self-care is not selfish, self-care is the new healthcare and it’s vital in life and in our communities. Today’s guest is Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D., who is a prominent leader in the field of Integrative and Functional Medical. She utilizes the best of […]

Joel Greene: Gut Bacteria, Insulin, Personality Types, Young Muscle, and more | Cutting-Edge Research on Gut Health and Optimization

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Joel Greene: Gut Bacteria, Insulin, Personality Types, Young Muscle, and more | Cutting-Edge Research on Gut Health and Optimization

It’s incredible how you can have a conversation with someone that’s almost 2 hours long, and still feel like you could keep talking! Joel Greene is the CEO of VEEP Nutrition, author of The Immunity Code, and one of the original proponents for prioritizing the gut microbiome (to mention just a few of his many […]

Azure Grant, PhD: Circadian Rhythms, Chronobiology, and Interoception | How to Optimize Your Health with Circadian Rhythms and Interoception

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Azure Grant, PhD: Circadian Rhythms, Chronobiology, and Interoception | How to Optimize Your Health with Circadian Rhythms and Interoception

Today, we are joined by well-versed physiologist, Azure Grant, Ph.D. to talk about all things circadian and ultradian rhythms, melatonin, sleep optimization, hormones, and more! Azure has a specialization in chronobiology and studies the connections between metabolism, reproduction, and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In this episode, we touch on everything from the science behind […]

Cata Rozo: Functional Nutrition: Gut Health, Healing, and Hormones | How to Improve Your Health through Functional Nutrition

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Cata Rozo: Functional Nutrition: Gut Health, Healing, and Hormones | How to Improve Your Health through Functional Nutrition

One of the major benefits of a functional approach to health and wellness is that it allows us to treat systemic issues from the root cause, rather than with interventions that have side effects. Talking to us today about how she became a functional nutritionist, and why she is so passionate about the field, is […]

Dr. Jay Wiles: The Physiology of Interoception and HRV Subjectivity | Understanding the Mind-Body Connection and HRV Subjectivity

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Jay Wiles: The Physiology of Interoception and HRV Subjectivity | Understanding the Mind-Body Connection and HRV Subjectivity

A common myth about heart rate variability (HRV) is that the greater it is, the healthier you are… Breaking down why this is not the case, is Dr. Jay Wiles, an expert in applied psychophysiology and heart rate variability, and founder of Hanu Health. We start the episode with a discussion around how Jay and […]

Andrés Preschel in the Hotseat for EPISODE 50! Ft. Parker Sloan

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Andrés Preschel in the Hotseat for EPISODE 50! Ft. Parker Sloan

To celebrate the 50th episode of the Know Your Physio podcast, Andrés Preschel takes the hot seat! His amazing partner, Parker Sloan Leiro, AKA “The Rolling Sloan” takes over to ask all the pressing questions. We hear all about KYP’s goal to make science sexy and accessible, and the immense value that Andrés has gained […]

Dr. David Rabin MD, PhD: Unleash Your Full Potential | Master Stress Management, HRV, and Self-Actualization

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. David Rabin MD, PhD: Unleash Your Full Potential | Master Stress Management, HRV, and Self-Actualization

Today on Know Your Physio we are talking about the revolutionary stress management tool, Apollo, with one of its creators, Dr. David Rabin. Our guest is a board-certified psychiatrist and neuroscientist who specializes in the treatment of chronic stress, and he is here to tell us all about the groundbreaking device providing a safe, non-invasive […]

Natasha Dasaro: Unlock Your Productivity Power | The Journey from Adderall to Plant Medicine and Purpose-Driven Success

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Natasha Dasaro: Unlock Your Productivity Power | The Journey from Adderall to Plant Medicine and Purpose-Driven Success

Most Know Your Physio podcast episodes consist of Andrés asking his guests in-depth questions about all things physiology and life… Today’s episode is turned on its head, with Natasha Dasaro putting Andrés in the hot-seat! Join us to find out how ADHD affected Andrés’ approach to health and life in general, and why he moved […]

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