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About the show

I believe that deepening your understanding of your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan. I call this “physiological intuition,” and to me, it’s a human right.

My dedication to this field derives from a very personal place, as it was through my own health improvement journey and love for the sciences that I stumbled upon the enhanced state of consciousness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Now, with ongoing years of study and time-in-the-trenches, a world-class team, all the latest tools and technologies, a bottomless well of passion, and access to some of the world’s leading experts in human performance and longevity, I’m fully dedicated to your very own scientific self-discovery. The more you #KnowYourPhysio… Enjoy the show.

Dasha Maximova: Empower Your Female Body | Boost Relationships, Monitor Cycles, and Take Charge of Birth Control with Body Awareness

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dasha Maximova: Empower Your Female Body | Boost Relationships, Monitor Cycles, and Take Charge of Birth Control with Body Awareness

Today, we hear from Dasha Maximov, the Founder and CEO of WhealthCo, a Member of the Board of Advisors at Sana Health, Former COO at The Health Optimisation Summit, and a former masters student at UCL, the number one program for Masters in Neuroscience in the world. After shifting away from management consulting and into […]

Sarah Turner: Illuminate Your Life | Exploring Photobiomodulation, Circadian Biology, and the Expansion of Consciousness

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Sarah Turner: Illuminate Your Life | Exploring Photobiomodulation, Circadian Biology, and the Expansion of Consciousness

Light is fundamental to our existence as human beings; it has been a part of our development from the beginning of our time on earth and it continues to impact almost every part of our lives in ways that we are not even aware of. At least according to Sarah Turner, an expert in photobiomodulation […]

Nadeya Hassan: Unravel the Mind-Body Connection | Delve into Altered States and Healing Trauma for a Holistic Transformation

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Nadeya Hassan: Unravel the Mind-Body Connection | Delve into Altered States and Healing Trauma for a Holistic Transformation

If you have been impacted by a traumatic event in your life, you are not alone. In a recent study that surveyed residents from more than a dozen countries, 70% of people reported having experienced some form of trauma. And when you consider how often we suppress traumatic experiences, often without being aware of it, […]

Boomer Anderson: Elevate Your Potential | Master Nootropics, Work-Life Integration, and Health Optimization for Peak Performance

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Boomer Anderson: Elevate Your Potential | Master Nootropics, Work-Life Integration, and Health Optimization for Peak Performance

Today’s guest on the Know Your Physio podcast, is Boomer Anderson: a man whose passion sits at the intersection of business and health optimization. He is a health optimization practitioner, the deputy chief and executive officer at Smarter Not Harder, Inc. (parent company of Troscriptions), founder and podcast host of Decoding Superhuman, and strategic advisor […]

Dr. Azza Halim: Unveil True Beauty | Balancing Internal and External Beauty through Saturated Fat, Fasting, and Sunlight

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Azza Halim: Unveil True Beauty | Balancing Internal and External Beauty through Saturated Fat, Fasting, and Sunlight

Today’s guest on the Know Your Physio Podcast is Dr. Azza Halim, a board-certified anesthesiologist with a broad background in the anti-aging field who has an extremely unique perspective that blends eastern and western medicine. We had the opportunity to take a deep dive on several topics in today’s episode, including the preventive nature of […]

Per Bristow: Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking | Cultivate the Voice of Confidence and Unlock True Freedom for Personal Success

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Per Bristow: Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking | Cultivate the Voice of Confidence and Unlock True Freedom for Personal Success

During today’s conversation, we interview vocal and performance coach, Per Bristow and hear his philosophy on life and performance. Tune in to hear why the pressure is greater, the more talented you are, why understanding your psychology is pertinent to beating stage fright, and how the most dangerous thing about stress is our negative perception […]

James Quandahl: Transform Your Perspective | Achieve Complete Life Balance Through the Power of Positive Reframing

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
James Quandahl: Transform Your Perspective | Achieve Complete Life Balance Through the Power of Positive Reframing

Most of us have probably heard the phrase ‘change is an inside job’, but how many of us actually do it? Today’s guest believes that we overcomplicate the process of positive change. You already know what steps you need to take. It’s just a matter of removing the obstacles that are preventing you from getting […]

Idan Ravin: Unleash Your Inner Drive | Cultivate Commitment and Discipline for Effectively Pursuing Your Aspirations

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Idan Ravin: Unleash Your Inner Drive | Cultivate Commitment and Discipline for Effectively Pursuing Your Aspirations

Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain a new skill, or run a marathon, you will no doubt need to put in a considerable amount of time and effort. In this episode, we get together with Idan Ravin to discuss his advice and insights on how to effectively pursue your aspirations. Idan is an […]

Dr. Jay Khorsandi: Master the Science of Sleep | Uncover Sleep Physiology and Unlock Optimization Strategies for Restorative Rest

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Dr. Jay Khorsandi: Master the Science of Sleep | Uncover Sleep Physiology and Unlock Optimization Strategies for Restorative Rest

Who would have thought that the structure of your mouth impacts the quality of your sleep? On today’s show, we have the pleasure of talking to Dr. Jay Khorsandi, dentist turned sleep optimizer, about one of the most fundamental (and for some, the most frustrating) parts of our existence. Jay is the co-founder of Snore […]

Capt. Kelly Federal: Soar to New Heights | Lessons from the Cockpit - Embrace Fighter Pilot Strategies for Peak Performance and Unwavering Focus

Know Your Physio
Know Your Physio
Capt. Kelly Federal: Soar to New Heights | Lessons from the Cockpit - Embrace Fighter Pilot Strategies for Peak Performance and Unwavering Focus

There’s a lot that the civilian world can learn from the military. Our guest on the show today, ex-fighter pilot and current real estate investor Kelly Federal, is here to share what some of those lessons are. One of the main themes we discuss is the value of open communication; Kelly is a firm believer […]

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