
About Me

Knowing your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look and feel your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan.

My dedication to this field derives from a selfish place born out of necessity before it became the selfless zeal I’m known for across the world. It was through my health journey (mainly battling ADD and ten years of Adderall dependency with related side effects) and love for the scientific method that I found my way.

Eventually, with the right knowledge and mentorship, I stumbled upon an enhanced state of awareness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Today I call this “physiological intuition,” and to me, it’s a right that every human being deserves to thrive with, without having to battle themselves or pursue a degree to discover it.

Every day I spend on this planet, I get to learn about and create just a little more of the substance I wish I could have gotten my hands on earlier, for YOU to discover your science and optimize your life.

Andrés' Story:

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Growth

Born in New York and raised in Venezuela, Andrés spoke little English before moving to Miami in 2003 at the age of 6. When he was 8, Andrés was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) which his parents (medical professionals) helped him manage along with therapy and medication for almost a decade. Although Andrés was always active and had access to healthy food at home, his experience with medication gave him trouble eating, sleeping, and socializing, which lead to a plethora of health issues down the line—anxiety, insecurity, body dysmorphia, a stutter, very low body weight, insomnia, and OCD.

Andrés' Triumph:

Transforming Health and Achieving Success

Just before his most challenging year of high school in 2014 (Junior Year), Andrés decided to take his health matters into his own hands. When he “needed it most,” Andrés quit the medication to prove to himself what he was capable of. With the help of friends and family, he doubled down on his health and practiced building new habits.

With a mind based in STEM and a love for athletics, Andrés became infatuated with the science of human nutrition and physiology as he learned to overcome his personal struggles. Roughly a year later, he had gained 30 pounds of lean muscle and grown more confident in himself and his image, scoring in the 99th percentile on the ACT without requesting the extra time he was eligible for, winning 1st place in Geometry as a Mathlete, receiving the Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction and Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholar awards. He was soon accepted to his choice school, the University of Miami. In 2016, Andrés graduated Cum Laude with a 4.6 weighted GPA and became a Miami Hurricane the following fall.

Andrés' Academic Journey:

Pursuing Knowledge and Building a Strong Foundation

As an undergraduate, Andrés majored in Exercise Physiology and minored in Psychology. He took a rigorous course load that included nutrition, anatomy, physiology, musculoskeletal biochemistry, evolution and biodiversity, genetics, biomechanics, chronic disease prevention, neuroscience, psychobiology, and psychology of drugs. After making the Dean’s list, he was selected as a Teacher’s Assistant for Bio II Evolution and Biodiversity and was named manager of the Guardrails Prevention & Performance internship. You could often find Andrés working as a mentor, tutor, and personal trainer, or spending late nights as a paid researcher exploring the endless worlds of physiology. He also participated in the Miami Boxing Club, which he was the Head Athletic Trainer for, and at 165lb and 5% body fat, he enjoyed the grind of becoming a chiseled bodybuilder.

Andrés' Continuing Growth:

Mastering Health Sciences and Impacting Lives

Having received a Bachelor of Science Degree May 2020, Andrés went on to tackle an Accelerated Master’s Degree in Applied Physiology with a concentration in Nutrition for Health and Human Performance through a fully-funded research scholarship. He also served as a Graduate Assistant for the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences. Today, Andrés learns directly from his mentors and leading experts hosted on his podcast while tackling a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Neuroscience (Click here to read my statement of purpose) through the University of Florida.

Backing up to 2017, Andrés dove hardcore into the fitness world. He partnered with Dr. Moises Roizental to develop lifestyle medicine and longevity programs, co-authored a book, and has led multiple online webinars in English and Spanish to discuss key topics such as Intermittent Fasting, Longevity, and Exercise Physiology to live audiences in the tens of thousands.

Andrés in Action:

Coaching, Educating, and Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles

While making a name for himself as an applied scientist and relentlessly practicing what he preaches, he has had the opportunity to coach billionaire CEOs and founders, a board member at Airbnb, a Grand-Slammer and US Open Tennis Champion, a World Series of Poker Finalist, Rolex and Le Mans 24 hour racing drivers, Ivy League students, a host of celebrities, doctors, firefighters and EMS professionals, pro freedivers and spearfishermen, and plenty of “Average Joe’s” of all ages looking to level-up and distinguish themselves!

As founder of Know Your Physio and founding member at Drym Health, Andrés spends his time creating Remote Monitoring and Lifestyle Data Analytics solutions, video courses and books, coaching and consulting, educating and creating content— for the world’s most ambitious people, teams, and businesses to enjoy longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives… all while traveling the world with some of his VIPs and hosting the Know Your Physio podcast, ranked Top 5% from nearly 3 million shows worldwide. When he’s not completely honed in on his craft, you can find Andres spearfishing, flyfishing, cycling, swinging kettlebells, reading, meditating, cooking, and spending time with his beloved friends and family.

Personalized Solutions:

Andrés' Tailored Approach to Health and Well-being

Whether you’re a high-achieving CEO, athlete, nerd, the classic Type A individual, or maybe just your average guy or gal that hopes to discover the perfect balance between ambition, abundance, patience, and the present moment, Andrés has a lifestyle solution for you, no matter where you are.

With the help of Remote Physiological Monitoring (RPM), Andrés is able to offer biometric data-driven lifestyle design to bolster performance, increase lifespan, manage stress, control hunger, achieve ideal body composition, promote better sleep, improve metabolic flexibility, promote neuroplasticity, become self-actualized, and much more.

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