bianca andreescu
Wine night in NYC with my former client Kevin Ryan, Founder and CEO at AlleyCorp
Collaborating with Dr. Arthur Agatston on a client case in his concierge medical office in South Beach!
Hanging with Dr. Ted Achacoso after our podcast at the 2023 Upgrade Labs Conference
Hanging with Dr. Ted Achacoso at the Upgrade Labs Conference 2022
Mickey Duek
BTS with Lucciano at the Elements of Vitality Conference
Hanging with Max Lugavere after our podcast art the 2023 London Health Optimisation Summit
Hanging with one of my heroes, Jim Kwik, at the Upgrade Labs Conference 2021
Sharing a sushi boat in with my VIP client, Peter Read, in London, UK
Backstage with the incredible hosts of the Biohack Yourself Movie!
KNOW YOUR PHYSIO at the 2023 Upgrade Labs Conference
Working out on the sand at MBSB with THE AVENGERS
1st Place Winner of the 2022 Woody Foundation Fishing Tournament for the Largest Snapper Category!
Nothing like double-fisting two personal best Yellow Jacks!
Posing with my personal best Dog Snapper I shot in the Bahamas with a polespear. This fish was just half a pound under the world record
Flyfishing for Brown Trout where flyfishing was born, the Beaverkill River in the Catskills, NY
Eternal gratitude for this legendary catch, my personal best African Pompano, right in my backyard!
Dreams come true! Spearfishing off the Frying Pan Tower with Ben Greenfield and Mark Labocetta
Black grouper for dinner!
Triple 1st Place Winners at the 2022 Woody Foundation Fishing Tournament!
Underwater resistance training- my favorite way to feel human
The post-workout endorphin rush was strong here
Proud UM Exercise Physiology and Psychology graduate!
Laying down the Watts
I take great honor and pleasure cleaning out my clients_ pantries before we add in healthier options!
Getting back to work after a cycling injury that took me out for 4 weeks!
Enabling states of flow
BTS for my feature in the Distraction Magazine (UM_s Official Magazine) article on HIIT
Cold exposure in the wild! Ft. Melting ice cap near Breckenridge, CO
Doing everything in my power to counter the destructive forces of BROSCIENCE, as you can see!
Back to basics!
All casually wearing our Ra Optics in the wild
Flying down the mountain in Breckenridge, CO
Behind the Scenes as I recorded my first course, Hambre Y Hormonas
Brunch with my beloved mother in Coconut Grove, FL!
Canoeing with my Mini Australian Shepherd puppy, Darwin (named after my favorite scientist, Charles Darwin)
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami
Group Photo with Steve and and Ariel
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami
Group photo of team Know Your Physio
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami
Andres Preschel Speaking on stage at Biohacking Congress Miami